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2020 Program Schedule

January 15 - Rescheduled to April 15

James Stone Pond

James Stone will give a presentation on his pond, including winterizing techniques for his fish and turtle.

February: **No Meeting**


March 18

Finding and Repairing Leaks

Is your pond losing water other than through natural evaporation? Are you having a hard time pinpointing a potential leak? Dan O'Leary will give a presentation on how to find and repair leaks in your pond quickly, efficiently, hopefully painlessly, and all without draining your pond.

April 15 - rescheduled from January 15

James Stone Pond

James Stone will give a presentation on his pond, including winterizing techniques for his fish and turtle.

May 20


June 17

Water PlantsRecommendations for your pond and plants for sale. (Richard Inchely)


July and August: No formal meetings

(Pond Socials and special excursions for members) Enjoy your garden!


September 16

Bringing nature back to the city

From water gardens to wetland restoration (Dr Paul Keddy)

October 21

Annual General Meeting.

November 18:

Water Gardens through the Ages

Brian Haddon

December: Christmas Social (more information to come)



Meetings are held on the third Wednesday of every month from

January, March to June and again in September to November.

Note: There are no meetings in February, July and August

The location for the meetings is the Greenboro

Community Centre (co-housed with Greenboro District Library),

363 Lorry Greenberg Drive (situated between Hunt Club Road and

Conroy Road), Ottawa. View Map


7:00 to 7:30 pm - Meet and Greet

7:30 to 9:00 pm - Programme

9:00 to 9:30 pm - Mingling and pack-up

Join us for one free meeting, or be a return guest for $5.00 per meeting, which can be applied toward your membership if you decide to join later.

​© 2023 Greater Ottawa Water Garden Horticultural Society


All photographs in this Site are subject to Copyright ©. Please do not use without permission. Thank you.

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